1. If you are 50 or older check with your agent to see if you qualify for a mature driver’s discount. Most insurance companies give them, but not all do so automatically. In addition, different carriers may have an age other than 50 when the discount kicks in. The average mature driver discount is 5 to 10 percent, so that can be quite helpful.
2. Defensive Driving Course: These courses are given in a classroom setting or online. They are usually eight hours long and successful completion can earn you a discount of up to 10 percent for as long as three years. The cost is generally $10 to $30.
3. Folks who have retired and no longer commute to and from work often are eligible for a discount due to decreased mileage driven. The fewer miles driven, the lower the risk of having to file an insurance claim. The amount of the discount is determined by your state so check with your agent if you have retired.
4. Multi-policy discount: When you place your homeowners or renters insurance with the same company that provides your automobile insurance you will usually get a discount, known as a multiple policy discount, on both policies. The discounts vary by insurance carrier, but it is certainly worthwhile to discuss with your insurance agent.
5. Military discounts are frequently available to consumers who are on active duty, have retired from the armed forces or are a member of the National Guard or Reserves. If this applies to you, ask your agent if you are entitled to a discount on your automobile policy.
6. Safe drivers who are accident free for a set period of time may qualify for a safe driver discount. Make sure to ask your agent about this potential money-saving discount.
7. PIP Discount: Some insurance companies offer a discount on Personal Injury Protection (PIP) coverage if a specified amount of miles driven each year is completed by a driver over a certain age.
While you can expect to see your rates fall when you are in your fifties they will start to rise when you hit your sixties. Getting every discount you can as soon as you can will help keep your rates manageable. Contact an agent at Shawn Camp Insurance today for more information.